Secret Diary of a Franchise

As enjoyable as the Bourne movies are, it could be that the theme has been tapped out. So to help Hollywood continue to produce them, here are some possible directions.

The Bourne Delusion

Average citizen Ed Bourne (Kevin James) gets knocked on the head after watching too many spy movies and starts acting like a high-strung super-assassin in everyday life. Ed steals a car to get to his job as a tax accountant, exits a dental appointment through the back window, and becomes convinced that his moody teenage daughter is a counter-spy. A trip to the mall culminates in a gripping rooftop chase through the streets of Columbus, Ohio.

The Bourne Analysis

The Treadstone Project relocates to a retirement home in Key Biscayne, where super-spies with PTSD and amnesia learn to play backgammon and work through their feelings. Will Jonas (Russell Crowe) find love and a second chance at a normal life with art therapist Liz (Diane Lane)?

The Bourne Backlash

A shadowy conspiracy forms. Their goal? To send super-assassins against hubristic old CIA operatives who have too many meetings in poorly lit wood-paneled rooms. Pamela Landy is tapped to head the team.

Bourne Again

We revisit Jason Bourne (played by Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson), who, after a near-death experience, finds God and feels called to a new career as a charismatic preacher. But will the CIA let him live in peace? Hijinks ensue.*

The Bourne Solution

Treadstone is relaunched as Project BasketO’Puppies. Due to comprehensive mental health benefits, no agents go off the rails and the only conflict is the yearly intramural wiffleball tournament. Channing Tatum and Jason Bateman star.

The Bourne Singularity

The sheer number of Bourne movies finally causes a small black hole to form in the vicinity of Los Angeles. No one is harmed since all production has since moved to Vancouver.


* Hardcore fans of the franchise will later pretend that this movie never existed, à la Highlander 2.

Born Underwater

Science Messes With Your Head

What do you mean? We’ve known about this 2D/3D thing for years!

If you’ve ever wondered why the math of string theory points towards the possibility of a multiverse, or if you are, say, a humanities-degree-holding frustrated science freak, NOVA’s The Fabric of the Cosmos is available online.

Sample mind-blowing theory from “What Is Space?”: you, me, and everything you know might be a three-dimensional hologram of information stored in two-dimensional form on the outer edge of the universe.

Physics! Down the rabbit hole!

“After you learn quantum mechanics, you’re never really the same again.” – Steven Weinberg



A manifesto of sorts


If you are writing regularly, you are a writer. If you are not writing regularly, you are another kind of creature altogether. You are a stalled-writer or a blocked-writer or an in-pain-writer.

I’m not saying this to be mean; I have a lot of sympathy for the pain of blocked creatives. I’m frequently one of them. I’m saying this because if you are a writer, then the world needs you to write.

“Are you kidding me?” you say. We have nearly 10% unemployment, large populations of women who don’t have reliable access to birth control, and a progressively more broken political system. We have 40% of our streams and rivers polluted, a chemical industry running almost completely unregulated, and suburban sprawl stealing our wild places. And Facebook is making all of us more narcissistic, while advertisting is helping us become both mindlessly greedy and cynical. So how exactly is my writing going to help any of this?

Because writing, and any art-making, is the inverse of: war-mongering, consumerism, dissatisfaction and cynicism.

Art-making helps you recover your enthusiasm and sincere delight. Now that you are open to your own fragile hopes, you will become more empathetic to other people and to creatures. Every time you create something for your own satisfaction, you give the virtual middle-finger to all the institutions that make it their business to breed dissatisfaction. Every time you create something that has never been seen before, you put the lie to the  idea that we can’t figure out new ways to live in our world. Now that your personal flame is burning more resiliently, you will be more likely to challenge people speaking out of the negativity they’ve been frightened into, or the privilege they’ve taken for granted.

Art-creating is practice for creating our lives and our culture as we want them to be, not just as they’re suggested by the corporations we work for and buy from. Art-making makes you think for yourself. It makes you more tolerant of individual people but less tolerant of the oppressive institutions that people may participate in.

Your piece of art, your painting or poem or screenplay, does not magically make the world better. Honestly, in a lot of ways, it’s just an artifact. But the fact that you made it makes you better because now you feel your own power to create.You are no longer mindless. You can no longer see yourself as helpless. You no longer accept the culture’s simplistic version of yourself, and you will likewise not accept the simplistic versions of other people that are constantly shoved down your throat.

And that’s why, if you are a writer, you need to write. Also, it will make you feel better. Now go out there and write something.

Linky Linky

Jeffrey Levine of Tupelo Press has good advice on organizing your poetry manuscript. Then again, does he?

Humorist Calvin Trillin talks to Jon Stewart about the challenges of writing satirical poetry. You may be surprised by what "Mitt Romney" rhymes with.

Enjoy a good literary feud? Here's Dana Goodyear's article in The New Yorker on the enormous inheritance left to Poetry magazine. And David Orr's rebuttal in The New York Times which includes among other things some comments on The New Yorker's poetry track record. And John Casteen's rebuttal of the rebuttal in Virginia Quarterly Review.

TV, in two-part disharmony

Ah, Pilot Season. Let’s take a break from Serious Art to discuss my third favorite art form: TeeVee. Sure, plenty has been written about all the new shows, but I think I there’s a vacuum for a Rotten Tomatoes sort of approach. Ie, the show at a glance. And since I have zero credibility as a television critic, I am just the person to fill that niche. Note: I only watched what I was interested in*, lending me even less credibility. Let’s begin!

The format is simple: I tell you the best and worst aspects of the shows, like this: Good, but Bad.

Pan-Am: Cute, but intellectually insulting.

A Gifted Man: Beautifully acted, but probably going to get cancelled.

Ringer: Surprisingly addictive, but, dammit, now I’m addicted to a CW show.

Whitney: Whitney-Cummings-woman-successful-in-Hollywood-yay!, but, EVERYTHING ELSE.

2 Broke Girls: Funnier than “Whitney,” but the one-liners are going to get old fast.

Community: Better than any of the new sitcoms, but I am an idiot for not noticing it for the past two years.

Person of Interest: Michael Emerson! (my weirdly compelling slightly-evil-nerd crush!), but, please don’t cancel this one, CBS, I’m really addicted.

Unforgettable: Inoffensive, but, um, forgettable? (I told you I was unqualified for this task.)

Prime Suspect: I can’t follow my self-imposed rule for this show, because I found it pretty much perfect. (A lot has been written about how the pilot portrayed sexism in the NYPD in an over-the-top way, which is a valid point, but I also suspect we’ve been brainwashed by unrealistically utopian post-feminism on shows like Law & Order.)

Terra Nova: Jason O’Mara and Stephen Lang are likeable even with hacky writing, but three episodes in I am still finding the persistent anti-science bent disquieting. However, I might be slightly prejudiced because I find dinosaurs tiresome.

Charlie’s Angels: Just kidding. I re-read Judith Krantz novels regularly, but even I can’t sit through Charlie’s Angels’ level of cheese.

Did you watch something I didn’t? Chime in with your one-line (or twenty-line) opinions on the various shows I may have missed or was totally wrong about.

* What I’m interested in: science fiction, women protagonists, and all things pertaining to Michael Emerson.



Fashion and creativity

I have to be honest. Most of the time when I encounter the fashion world in the form of Vogue, the celebrity “red carpet," and Fashion Week, I am reminded of this quote from Edie Sedgwick.

"Fashion as a whole is a farce, completely. The people behind it are perverted. The styles are created by freaked out people, just natural weirdos. I know this because I worked with all those people while I was modeling."

I can’t be the only feminist to ask: is fashion is just a clever redirection of women’s potentially revolutionary creativity into something safer and a lot more ephemeral? “Find me attractive!” is a legitimate wish, but how often do we really mean “Take me seriously”? I suspect that women sometimes become obsessed with expressing themselves through style, when what we’re really hungry for is to express ourselves verbally and politically. 

But on the other hand, I am, as anyone can tell you, completely obsessed with jewelry. Antique, vintage, artisan, all of it. I will gleefully tell you that I have identified the perfect eyeshadow (Cover Girl Brown Smolder and Mink, fyi). And I agree with Tavi Gevinson when she says this.

…to me, fashion is a form of art…that's strictly what I find it: it's not necessarily about simply looking "good" or "chic". The designers that inspire me don't focus on designing clothes just to be clothes; the looks they design are art! WEARABLE art, which is more fun than pretty paintings in a museum that you can't touch. My ignorance aside, it really bothers me when silly ideas like "Fashion Do's and Don't's" and "Fashion Police" are established, because that takes all the fun out of putting together an outfit. In my opinion, the most interesting fashion is the Anti-Fashion. No rules, no restrictions, no normalcy, no pleasing anyone. 

I will even admit that occasionally, in a fit of narcissism and 20-years-belated vanity, I want to make an appointment to get my colors done.

So lately I’ve been really annoyed with my wardrobe (why do I own so many ugly blue shirts? why don't any of these blacks match? what was I thinking when I bought all these asymmetrical hemlines???). I’ve been trying to whittle down my closet, to be interesting without looking ridiculous or shlumpy. And what I find most inspiring is definitely not the fashion hegemony of Anna Wintour et al. Instead I wander over to HelLooks and see what the youth of Finland are wearing. And they never fail to amaze and inspire me.

Sample quote: My style is a soldierly gardener. 

Warning: Don’t click over there unless you’ve got some free time.

Haiku for Writers


Autumn leaves fall like

slips of poems; how I wish

I’d backed up my work.


White sand, blue water,

cute lifeguard with drinks: there’s my

muse, on vacation.


Defining fragile:

small moth with her wing notched, or

my writer’s ego.

Alternate definition of “backed-up” work.

Eternally Yours

I’ve been reading a book in which a woman is rescued from a deadly snowstorm/avalanche by a handsome man who is a doctor AND a famous author of historical novels about doctors, which are unbelievably accurate because he draws from his own life experience, because…he’s…



And of course they are powerfully and mystically attracted to one another. But he can’t be with her because he’s a VAMPIRE! And she can never love again because she has A DARK SECRET IN HER PAST!

And also she’s a little leery because whenever he gets too close he is DRAWN TO HER BLOOD OMG and she notices that his eyes “dance with red flames” but OMG THAT’S NOT POSSIBLE I MUST HAVE IMAGINED IT!!!

It’s been good for some unexpected laughs. Not as awesome as, say, Judith Krantz, but nevertheless it packs in The Cheesy Goodness like the Kraft Factory Store.

Oh, and of course he also plays the piano…. BRILLIANTLY! And she knows that it’s Rachmaninoff.

Gee, I wonder if they’ll find a way to be together.


Happy Candlemas Day

Feb. 2. Candlemas day

"If Candlemas Day be fair & bright

Winter will have another flight

But if Candlemas Day be clouds & rain

Winter is gone & will not come again.”

                  -from The Country Diary of an Edwardian Lady by Edith Holden

So today was foggy, until it was briefly sunny, and that means…. more winter? less winter? 

I think I'm going to leave this one up to the groundhog.